EAM in the gas environment

NAFTA is 6. largest gas storage operator in Europe. The company is active in Europe, operating underground storage facilities and participating in renewable energy storage projects.

Apart from Slovakia, she is also active in the Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain and Ukraine.

Reasons for deploying the Maintenance Information System

  • The original system was inadequate
  • The 2012 requirement for professional maintenance software that allows:
    • records of approx. 30 000 objects
    • more than 10 000 maintenance interventions per year
    • integration with technical and economic systems in society
    • detailed records of works, costs and their evaluation
    • A system designed for the daily work of dispatchers, technicians, maintainers and managers
    • System with support for scheduling work at week/day level
  • As a result of a several-month-long selection process, the decision was made for Infor EAM

Implementation process

  • The system was implemented in 2012. The basis was the registration of objects in the system, the start of preventive maintenance and the reporting and repair of faults. Interfaces to SAP and technology (SCADA systems) were gradually added. After the implementation was completed, the system was further developed by, for example, adding electronic ledgers to manage records for the mining authority, linking to the documentation system (M files) or by customised development according to the specifications of the system users. Following the acquisition of the Bavarian bunkers, the system was also deployed in this subsidiary. The implementation was covered by Inseko.
  • The system continues to evolve towards mobile and paperless maintenance.

Benefits of a maintenance information system

  • Complete records of all maintenance objects
  • Overview and evaluation of costs
  • Simplification of work based on integration to SAP and SCADA systems
  • Reducing the administrative burden
  • Support for maintenance and management

Customer statement:

Pavol Habala

Head of Maintenance Management Department NAFTA a.s.

At our company, Infor EAM provides effective support to operations, technicians, foremen, dispatchers, as well as managers and controllers. The goal is that everyone at their level has comprehensive, compact and up-to-date information online. Specifically, the system provides data on the activities on the plants in operation, (e.g. who did/does what, when, where and how, in what time and with what priority…). It also summarizes comprehensive information about the equipment, its current status, (including current availability or failure – basis for dispatching control), but also historical data. These are all inputs for various analyses,(staff capacities, costs, equipment availability, equipment status,…).But we also have a comparison of history, current plans and future predictions. Furthermore, the system helps in the planning of work on a daily basis, but also for large technological shutdowns. It also serves as a basis for dispatch management, safety evaluation, change management, covers calibration protocols, contains a database of safety or metrological equipment, etc. We build everything gradually according to emerging requirements and our capabilities.

Case studies

GHH-Bonatrans is the largest European and only Czech manufacturer of railway wheelsets and their components. Their dominant position is the result of hard work, high quality products and a desire for success and growth.
The Veolia Group is a global leader in optimised resource management. With nearly 179,000 employees on five continents, Veolia designs and implements solutions for the energy, water and waste management sectors that contribute to the sustainable development of cities and industry.

Satisfied clients