What is OEE and why is it important?

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a key indicator of the efficiency of production equipment, helping businesses identify losses and maximize their performance.

It measures the extent to which the production process is utilized in three main areas:

  • Availability – The time during which a device is in operation, excluding planned and unplanned downtime.
  • Performance – Production efficiency compared to the maximum potential speed of the machine.
  • Quality – The proportion of defect-free products in total production.

By regularly monitoring OEE, businesses can identify bottlenecks in production, optimize machine utilization, and increase production capacity and product quality.

How do modern technologies help improve OEE?

With the development of Industry 4.0, digital solutions can significantly support OEE improvement:

  • Real-time monitoring and analysis – MES systems, such as PM TOOLKIT, enable monitoring of equipment performance and optimization of production processes.
  • Predictive maintenance – Analytical algorithms in systems like HEXAGON EAM can predict failures and minimize unplanned downtime.
  • Adaptive manufacturing processes – Automated systems can adapt to fluctuations in demand or material availability, thereby increasing overall production efficiency.

How to measure OEE?

Na výpočet OEE sa používajú štandardizované vzorce:

  • Availability (%) = (Net operating time / Planned production time) × 100
  • Performance (%) = (Actual production speed / Maximum possible speed) × 100
  • Quality (%) = (Number of good pieces / Total number of pieces produced) × 100
  • OEE (%) = Availability × Performance × Quality

Example: If a device has 90% availability, 85% performance, and 95% quality, the OEE will be 0.90 × 0.85 × 0.95 = 72.7%.

By implementing OEE, businesses can achieve better control over production, reduce waste, and increase competitiveness. If you’re not already using OEE, it’s time to start!

See specific case studies where companies have increased production efficiency thanks to OEE and modern digital solutions. Go to studies


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