A word with sales coordinator and ISO Ivana Kantoríková

She took on the position of accountant in 2017. She is currently in charge of business documentation, the quality management system, and the director's secretariat.

What she appreciates most about her job is its diversity and the support of her friendly team. In an interview, Ivana Kantoríková tells us what made her laugh the last time and how she likes to spend her free time.

How long have you been part of the INSEKO team and what does your position entail?

Since 2017, when I started as an accountant. Later, I moved to my current position, where I process business documentation, cover the issues of the quality management system, and manage the director’s secretariat.

Tell us what you enjoy and motivate most about your work?

What I enjoy most about my work is its diversity, and the pleasant working environment is what motivates me.

What was the biggest challenge you faced at work?

In this position, the biggest challenge for me was the area of the quality management system.

You work in a predominantly male team. How do you feel about it and do you see it as an advantage or rather a challenge?

I have friendly and nice colleagues and I see it more as an advantage

How do you spend your free time? Do you have a hobby that recharges you with energy?

I like to spend my free time with family and friends. In winter, it’s mostly skiing, and in summer, cycling, relaxing at the cottage, and traveling, which is what gives me the most energy.

What was the last time you really laughed or enjoyed something?

My children are the greatest and inexhaustible source of laughter and joy in everyday situations.

If you had the chance to spend a day anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

In winter, definitely something exotic to relax and recharge your batteries.

What you don’t know about her

Ivana Kantoríková

Coffee or tea?

Summer or winter?

Relaxing on the beach or a sightseeing trip?
Sightseeing trip

Planning or spontaneity in life?

Books or movies?

Comedy or drama?


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