Efficient logistics in real time

BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia is one of the most stable employers in the Trnava region with many years of history.

Speciality BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia a.s. – logistics support

  • There are 19 collection points in the production area, which are used to store pallets of products. These collection points are continuously monitored by optical sensors that check the presence of pallets in defined sectors. If the place is “occupied”, the signal state is changed, which is processed in the PMT via an analogue-to-digital converter and further processed.
  • The visualization of the pallet occupancy is displayed on the LED TV screen via a minicomputer RPi connected to the LAN. It provides the logistics manager with a real-time, simplified and colour-coded overview of which picking points are occupied by pallets and for how long.
  • Forklift drivers receive information on tablets placed on the vehicles. The tablets have data SIM card slots through which they connect to the network.
  • The availability of collection points is evaluated for 4 shifts in the report, where for each of them the total pallet dwell time and the evolution of the average pallet dwell time at the collection point over the last 9 days are tracked.

Present PMT in BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia a.s.

  • More than 60 production facilities are currently connected to the PMT.
  • Clear, comprehensive visualisations are displayed on 6 large screens, giving a clear overview of the production status in real time.
  • The morning production management meeting is held in front of an LED TV displaying important production information, and the meeting participants focus on the most critical issues with a corresponding trend assessment.
  • The PMT system generates around 100 emails with customized reports per day. Several custom BOGE reports have been programmed into a parameterizable form so that the recipient of the report receives data that meets their needs. These reports are focused on specific devices, groups of devices, or a specific type of downtime.

PMT implementation in BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia a.s.

  • The pilot was implemented in the Trnava II plant, while the solution also included server infrastructure and workstations that are in a physically separate network with their own internet connection.
  • During the implementation of the PMT and its further development, emphasis was placed on adequate quality of reports, supported by visualisation tools.
  • Since the quality of the reports is closely related to the quality of the data collected, the implementation team focused on establishing clear rules for entering downtime. Specifying the reason for the downtime is conditional on assigning specific rights to the operator role in the operator dialer. Fine-tuning the assignment of roles to the reasons for the downtime took time, but had its undeniable benefits.
  • To ensure data purity, the master has a specific screen, called. master scheme. The master can access the scheme not only from his computer, but also from any computer in use by attaching his attendance card to the RFID reader. With this scheme, it solves routine operational matters on an ongoing basis (specifying reasons for downtime, checking in/out operators from production facilities) or, if the situation requires it, it can authorise production without a mock-up present. Only the master or his representative has the right to end a “Setup” or “Setup” stoppage. terminates the fault type downtime and checks out the machine from the router, resp. maintenance man.

Benefits of implemented solutions in BOGE Elastmetall Slovakia a.s.

  • Centre managers can clearly see the status of all their production equipment with all the necessary machine/product/operator production realities. In the event of an outage, in addition to listing the reason, the planned or unplanned outage is colour-coded so that the manager can focus on the problem at hand without long deliberation.
  • The visualization of waiting for a formar provides the formar manager with information on which machine to send the formar to, thus minimizing downtime. The use of a mould using fewer cavities than planned is evaluated and the losses, both time and financial, caused by such production are quantified in a special report.
  • The maintenance waiting visualization clearly shows which machine is standing due to a fault, how long it has been waiting for a maintenance technician, or how long it has been waiting for a maintenance technician. how long and which maintainer has been on the machine. When a maintenance worker moves to a higher priority machine, the downtime on the original machine is changed to waiting for maintenance again, which is also colour coded.
  • Maintenance technicians use the PM Toolkit to record repairs and procedures used when a fault occurs. The maintenance manager has a report on the workload of each maintenance crew, and multiple maintenance crews for a given repair are also evaluated.

BOGE decided to use the PM Toolkit system not only for automated OEE calculation according to the methodology of the corporate management, but above all to ensure the highest possible efficiency of its Slovak plant.

Case studies

Zlín-based SPUR a.s. operates in the segment of plastics production and processing, recycling, production of flexible food packaging, operates two farms focused on hydroponic tomato cultivation, and last but not least, it is a company that employs workers with disabilities.

Satisfied clients